21 SEPTEMBER 1929, page 33


Fantasy, Reality, History 7s. 6d.) MISS REBEC6A WEST has been caught by " the fascination of what's difficult," and but for her wit and the warm flashes of beauty in her......

Beauty On Earth. By C. F. Ramuz. (putnam. 7s. 6d.)—"

Does one ever quite know what to do with Beauty when found among men ? This question, casually occurring half-way through the book, represents the theme of the latest novel by......

Forbidden Marches. By E. V. De Fontrnell. Scholartis...

6d.)—This very scholarly and somewhat baffling novel aims, apparently, at demonstrating the essential sensuousness of the Greek ideal and at contrasting it unfavour- ably with......

General Knowledge Questions

OUR weekly prize of one guinea for the best thirteen Questions, submitted is awarded this week to Mr. C. P. Booker, Talpioth, Palestine, for the following :— What is the correct......