Gg-bound Lord Woolton's Recent Statement About The...
o me one of the most astounding ever made by a Minister, and imagine he can have no notion of the effect it had in the country. pply it to an engineer in an aircraft-factory,......
The Garden Gardeners, Like Farmers, Are In Despair. The...
spring for hundred years, a terrific midsummer heat-wave, Christmas in uly, and finally January in August, have together destroyed many thcir hopes. Bees are not working. Beans......
Country Life
harvest Dream What is a harvest? A standing crop or a crop safely gathered? [t seems to me there is a nice distinction. When the Prime Minister spoke some time ago of our......
Right Hills
My note on the charm of late summer scabious has prompted a ellow-author to write from Scotland : " Your praise of it is just. t is very common on the riparian pastures of......
The Cinema
"A Day in Soviet Russia." At the London Pavilion. A Day in Soviet Russia is a poignant film, not simply because it was photographed a year ago to celebrate the Russian achieve-:......