A Spectator's Notebook
D ISCUSSION of the Eight-Point peace-aim programme must inevitably bring up the question of the future of the League of Nations—which Mr. Churchill has always supported and to......
A Month Ago I Mentioned That In His Forthcoming Book,
Poverty and Progress, Mr. Seebohm Rowntree had recorded the results of an interesting test of the validity of " sample- surveys " (questioning five or ten per cent. of a given......
The Decision Of The War Office To Give Instruction To
troops in " Current Affairs " is admirable—so admirable no possible effort to make it a success should be omitted. is no doubt a good deal to be said for the arrangement whet......
The Air Ministry News Service, On Which The B.b.c. News
service draws so largely night after night, does the work it is there to do with great efficiency. Its detailed stories of raids over enemy territory often add a great deal that......
Presidents And Prime Ministers Have No Prerogative In N...
A leading firm of motor manufacturers sketched (at the cost to itself of a large display-advertisement The Times) the new world as motor-manufacturers see Oddly enough, it is a......
La France Libre (hamish Hamilton, 2s. 6d. Monthly), V . Ably
edited by M. Andre Labarthe, keeps up its stand wonderfully. In the current issue, which has just reached a fourteen-page supplement is devoted to reproductions of so of the......
Atlantic Harvest
HE Atlantic Conference was, from the 'moment the facts regarding it were known, acclaimed by the ole of the democratic world—and beyond it, for 'let Russia is hardly to be......