Metropolitan Festival.
Tim work of preparation for this great undertaking is advancing with vigour. Sir GEORGE SMART had an interview on Saturday last with the Royal Society of Musicians (the most......
D'israeli's Curiosities Of Literature,
REVISED. Ix this bold speculation of Mr. MoxoN, we have another instance of the tendency of the times towards cheap literature. Hitherto the cheapness has been confined to works......
Spectator's Library.
coiosities of Literature. By J. Disraeli, Esq., ftC.L. F.S.A. Ninth Editio n , 11,,7'ised. 6 rots. (Vol. 1.) POLITICA.: EcuNost Y. Great for the last Forty Years; bein g an......
Corn Catecillsal
landlords are falling every year ; and, notwithstanding the great reduction which had iu consequence resulted from the annual decrease, the prosperity of the firmer was oo the......
The Lent Oratorios.
WE rejoice to say that the barbarous and indecent exhibition vihich we denounced last week is at an end ; and the Scriptures will no longer be permitted to furnish subjects for......