The Insurgents Against The Government Of Buenos Ayres...
their submission ; and reentered the city to the number of 5,000. The election of General Vi AMONT to the oflice of Captain- General and Governor appears to have restored public......
Accounts From Rio Janeiro Have Been Received To December...
The Government journal announces the discovery and de- feat of a conspiracy to overthrow the constitution and restore the Duke of BRAGANZ A. The governor of the young Emperor......
The State Of Public Feeling In France Is Such As
induces the belief that the existing order of things cannot long continue. A recent letter from our Paris correspondent 0. P. Q. mentioned a number of circumstances tending to......
The Intelligence From Spain This Week Is Not Of A
satisfactory complexion. There is too much reason to fear that we are in- veigled again in the toils of' French diplomacy, which, it was hoped, had been shaken off by our......
Eittatt# Anti Pr0rcrbing1 In Varlfinintnt.
1. PENSION LIST INQUIRY. A motion, by Mr. HARVEY, for a Select Committee to inquire into the consideration of each grant on the Pension List, and to report the same to the......
Letters From Smyrna State, That An Army Of 18,000 Men,
des- patched by MEHEMET ALI to put down a large body of insurgents in the country bordering on the Red Sea, had met with a total defeat. Two thousand Turkish Candiots deserted......
A Belgian Commissioner, M. Hann°, Residing In Luxeniburg,...
fortress of Bettenbourgh, was seized on the night of the 15th instant, by a detachment from the Prussian garrison of that place, and thrown into prison. The Prussians forced......