Objectives In Vietnam
Sm,—Mr Nigel Lawson, in his article 'Objectives in Vietnam' (July 8), betrays a fondness for the words 'escalate' and 'escalation,' neither of which appears in my dictionary,......
Britain And South Africa
Sue,—I was glad to have Mr Crozier's compliments in his letter about Britain and South Africa. I do assure him, however, that the views expressed in the book are entirely my......
The Abortion Bill
oxzrEn2n m Enuiron From: Christopher Hollis, Mrs M. R. Vaughan, Mrs Anna Chaiaway, Colm Brogan, S. Brykczysiski, C. R. A. Swynnerton, David West, Dennis Austin, D. V. Tahmankar,......
The Catholic Marxists
Sm,—Mr Bryden and Miss Lawlor of the Newman Association appear to be disturbed about possible damage to the reputation of Fr Bright. I fail to see why. As far as I know, Fr......
The Consequences Of Mr Cousins
Sut,—If Mr Alan Watkins wishes to drag concubines into an article about Mr Cousins (your issue of July 8) he should first verify his references. The 'twenty- two acknowledged......
Snt,—i Expect Mr Quentin De La Bedoyere Is Wish- Ing
he had at least postponed his letter for another week. He assures us there cannot be more than 10,000 abortions annually. On that very day, National Opinion Polls publish the......
Sm, — Dr J. A. Bryden And Dr Monica Lawlor Have Stated
in their letter in last week's number of the SPECTATOR that Fr L. Bright was not a Marxist. I am quite prepared to believe that he does not hold a membership card of any society......
The Nagas
SIR, —Mr Nigel Lawson has taken upon himself the responsibility (Spectator's Notebook,' July 15) of writing about the Nagas lest that 'elusive entity "world opinon" ' forgets......
Glady Accept Mr De La Bedoyere's Challenge To An Open
debate on the subject of abortion. If he will suggest a time and place through your corre- spondence columns this will afford an opportunity for SPECTATOR readers to judge for......