The Scenes In The American House Of Representatives...
day or two preceding the Recess seem to have been most dis- creditable. There were 600 neglected Bills to be passed, and the Session was almost unbroken from the night of the......
The Globe Of Friday Week Printed The Text Of The
Anglo-Russian Agreement, signed on May 30th at the Foreign Office by Lord Salisbury and Count Schouvaloff. Under this agreement, the Powers agree that Bulgaria shall be divided......
A Great Hound Of Prince Bismarck, Which Goes By The
name of the " Reichshund,"—the dog of the Empire,—has been credited this week by the " Jingo " papers with the political sagacity needful to discover that Prince Gortschakoff is......
News Of The Week.
T RE Tories are out of temper. They see that the Anglo- Russian " Agreement" published in the Globe, however obtained, has been signed on behalf of both Governments, and that it......
The Reports As To The Health Of The German Emperor
are contradictory. According to the latest bulletin, he had been walking about in the garden, and was much better ; but an impression has got abroad that the irritation created......
The Stories From Berlin Are Endless, And Most Of Them
contra- dictory, but the following appear to be true. The first meeting was held on Thursday week, as arranged, a second on Monday, and a third on Wednesday. In the first two......