A Precedent For Mr. Gladstone.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR, — Why do those who would defend Mr. Gladstone against Mr. Hanbury cite such old-world precedents as Burke and Fox, or Chatham and the......
The ' Grosser Kurfurst.'
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. " ] SIR, — The question of the steering orders on shipboard has assumed very curious proportions, although the subject is too technical to......
Letters To The Editor.
LAST WORDS ON THE NORTHERN UNIVERSITY. [TO THE EDITOR OF TIER SPROTLTOR.71 Sur,—In his former letter, my friend, Dr. Carpenter, omitted from his sketch of the history of the......
Dr. Johnson's " Credulity."
[TO THE EDITOR' OF THE " SPECTATOR. "] Six, — May I be allowed to suggest, with all respect, that the statement, in your article of Mr. Leslie Stephen's book, that John- son......
Inspiration, As Held In Scotland. [to The Editor Of The
..SPEOTATOR.1 SIR,—In the close of a paragraph on p. 687 of the Spectator for June 1st, you say of a motion carried in the Free-Church Assembly, that it is " an admission that......