It Is Impossible To Decide As Yet Whether The News
from South China is important or not. A rebellion has broken out in Yunnan and the two Kwangs, said to be led by a relative of the Taiping leader, and therefore in the interest......
We Are Heartily Glad To Record That The Severe And,
we fear, most painful affection of the heart from which Mr. Rhodes has been suffering, has not proved fatal as was at first feared. There seems, indeed, a reasonable hope that......
The Effort Recently Made In Spain To Form A Composite
Ministry or Ministry of Affairs has failed. The Queen-Regent has therefore induced Senor Sagasta, who is old and worn, and contemplated a final withdrawal, to resume power with......
News Of The Week.
T HERE is little news to report from the theatre of war, except a few surrenders and captures and rumours as to the movements of De Wet, Botha, and Delarey. If we fix our eyes......
There Were Serious Disturbances Last Sunday In St....
Two Committees, one of students and the other of workmen, joined bands, and summoned the friends of liberty to parade in front of the Kazan Cathedral. Great numbers accordingly......
Vienna And Berlin Have Been Greatly Moved By A Scene
in the Austrian Reichsrath. In the sitting of Tuesday Herr Schimerer, leader, of the Pan-German group, concluded a speech protesting against some decision of the President by a......
It Was Announced On Thursday That The Diplomatic...
France and Russia had communicated a joint declaration to the Great Powers in which they, in effect, give their answer to the Anglo-Japanese Alliance. This declaration begins by......