" Lazarre."
[TO THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."; Srn,—Believe me, I am not at all conscious of having "planted out quite a little shrubbery round Lazarre: " I purposely abstained from......
Dr. S. R. Gardiner.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR "] have been expecting to see a letter from some one who knew Dr. Gardiner better than I ever had the privilege of knowing him, and was better......
The "hotel Cecil."
(To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") ' Stn,—Among popular expressions of questionable taste and paltry humour there is not one to-day which is meant to be more offensive than......
Mr. Beeching's Sermons.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR :1 Sin,—Mark Pattison once said that orthodoxy is the clergy- man's point of honour ; at any rate, we may be excused for being sensitive on the......