Quite Fathomable
Sir: What does Dot Wordsworth find 'mys- terious' about Shakespeare's use of 'sea- change' in The Tempest (Mind your lan- guage, 15 May)? Ferdinand has already been told that......
Legal Ethnic Cleansing
Sir: Could anyone (especially John Simpson in 'Empire of the senseless', 15 May) tell me what was illegal abut the Chinese occu- pation of Tibet in 1950? Which states recognised......
Last Morsel
Sir: If your egomaniacal reviewer Miss Julie Burchill (Books, 15 May) can produce a single book in whose index she is 'sand- wiched between Anthony Burgess and William......
Never Forget Japan
Sir: Nigel Nicolson writes (Long life, 15 May): 'In the autumn of 1989 it was gloomily forecast that we were in for six years of commemorating the 50th anniver- saries of every......
Stop Press
Sir: The phrase 'Croatian-Slovenian territo- ry' in my letter in the 15 May issue was a misprint. It should have read 'Croatian- Slavonian'. Noel Malcolm 1 Canada Square, Canary......
A Moderate Proposal
Sir: Mr Parfitt, the environmental health officer who wants to send a publican to jail for smoking a pipe, is a symbol of every- thing that is wrong with England. It is not......
Sir: I Always Find Dot Wordsworth's Remarks About...
How- ever, the subject can easily give rise to strong passions and in her disparagement of 'self-deprecating' she must have pro- voked many right-minded people (Mind your......
Greek Cross
Sir: I am not surprised that J. Paul Getty Jr does not understand English; after all, he's an American. In his letter in 1 May issue, he says I claim to have known him. I have......
Cook's Slicing Edge
Sir: Reviews are very much the luck of the draw, good or bad, but when three novels on the same theme are published together — A Dead Man in Deptford by Anthony Burgess, The......