Clarendon Press.)—the Moat Valuable Part Of These Two...
to be found in the sixty pages of introductory matter which are pre- fixed to the first. Mr. Pearson discusses the genius of the poet in a " Life" which is all that could be......
Weeping Ferry : A Novel. By George Habra. 2 Vole.
(Hurst and Blaokett.)—The faults of this tale will be obvious to the least critical reader. The improbabilities of the narrative may be forgiven perhaps, for romance allows of......
Henry Clay.*
THIS is a most interesting book for English readers, though not written for them. Dealing as it does with the greatest of American orators, whose career covers the half-century......
Current Literature.
" Which of these things ie lust P Or are we 131¢71 bat playthings of the hour, The l eMirtn1 f t g e t ' P od lir7t h t o hrt i o e gclIlle We may criticise, also, the......