With Mr. Beresford-hope, Who Died On Thursday, A Separate If
not a very distinguished figure disappears from English society. He was one of the few wealthy men in England who filled their lives fall, and were conspicuous at once in art,......
Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent.
Consols were on Friday 1021 to 1021.......
The Bishop Of Peterborough Made A Most Important And Most
manly speech to the Diocesan Conference on Thursday. He declared that he would promote no reform merely to resist Disestablishment. The object of reform, the single object, must......
Mr. Edison Has, He Says, Perfected His Phonograph ; And
the account of his new machine, given in the Daily News of Friday, reads like a fairy-tale. According to the detailed narrative, the sender of a message has only to talk into a......
Society In Germany Is Seriously Disturbed As To The Health
of the Crown Prince. It is openly asserted that he has cancer of the throat, and will therefore never be able to mount the throne. Sir Morell Mackenzie, the English specialist,......
A Very Striking Example Of The Fact That English Engineering
energy is still without a rival, is to be found in an account of the building of the Arctic Railway, published in the Times of Thursday. That English foremen and engineers......
The French Chambers Meet On October 26th, And It Is
believed the fate of the Ministry will speedily be decided. M. Heavier will be attacked for his alliance with the Monarchists, who, since the issue of the Comte de Paris's......
On Wednesday Night, Sir John Lubbock Delivered At Essex...
Strand, one of his fascinating lectures on the habits of ants. There was some evidence, he declared, to show that ants even felt affection for each other. Nobody had ever yet......