Pay As You Earn
Parliament applauded a declaration by the Chancellor of the Exchequer that be would consider extending the pay-as-you-earn principle of collecting Income Tax to more......
Irepress'on In Argentina
It is the general feeling in most countries in South America that I at this stage of the war to remain neutral is not very remote from [being pro-Nazi. Yet the Argentine......
Definitions Of American Policy
Though Mr. Sumner Welles, since he ceased to be Under- Secretary of State at Washington, can speak what is in his mind without committing anyone but himself, his experience in......
Australia's Interest In Europe
Dr. Evatt, the Australian Minister for External Affairs, may be sure that in this country at least there will be full agreement with a statement he made last week in the House......
Wounded Prisoners' Return
It is good news that over five thousand sick or wounded prisoners of war are now on their way home by way of Gothenburg or Barcelona. Mr. Richard Law told the House of Commons......
Pirates In The Book Trade
Contention is generated in the book publishing trade because established firms have paper allocated to them by quota while the host of new concerns which have arisen during the......