22 OCTOBER 1943, page 20
The Unknown Army : The Nature And History Of The
Russ Military Forces. By Nikolaus Basseches. (Heinemann. 75. 6d) MR. BASSECHES'S book has been translated into English from unspecified language. The preface is dated March,......
Shorter Notices
One Continent Redeemed. By Guy Ramsey. (Harrap. 8s. 6d.) Tins is the sort of book that journalists ought to write—and seldom do. It is an exciting account of the author's......
Fiction Thorofare. By Christopher Morley. (faber And...
Friday's Well. By Temple Lane. (The Talbot Press. 7s. 6d.) The Dance of the Years. By Margery Allingham. (Michael Joseph. los. 6d.) The Magic Water. By Barbara Webster. (Rich......