Hobson's Choice Datrick Ser G Eant's First Words To Me...
say, this bottle of Bollin g er is pretty well empty, hadn't we better have another?' Here, I thou g ht, was a man I could work with. His has always been the grand style, and......
City And Suburban
Wise virgins I wonder whether we are savin g ourselves money, by not burnin g coal. We Shouldn't be. The oil industry reckons that coal is about 40 per cent cheaper as a source......
Lean And Hungry Rrhe Chairman Pulled At His Ci G Ar, And
asked me whether he dared continue to describe his company as leaner and fitter. 'It's not just us,' he said. 'In the last three years, the avera g e business's profits have g......
Palaces W Ell Done, P & 0, Which Has Finally Found
a taker for its last head office but one — a handsome modern black ten- storey affair, epicentral (as such buildin g s are) to a permanent tornado. Grand head offices are a dru......
Mogul T Tried These Fi G Ures On A Visitin G Tycoon, 1.who
was horrified. 'The last thin g you should do with oil', he protested, 'is to burn it under boilers.' (The Shah thou g ht so too; oil, he used to say, is a noble mineral....)......
Biggles And Co °ally Of A Bader Or A Richthofen
is the lofty do g fi g ht between Lord Si r Adam in the British Airways cockpit, and Adam Thomson, flyin g British Caledo- luau- Now Sir Adam, si g hts locked on his foe, has......