Today In Parliament
O ne of the reasons that the proceedings of the House of Commons are increas- in g ly despised is the way that the BBC reports them. When the ri g ht to broadcast parliamentary......
Things Fall Apart
T he news that Cambrid g e University may 14 , have to demolish Mr James Stirlin g 's 'story Faculty buildin g will sadden lovers of ou r b architectural herita g e. The g lass......
Fire And Brimstone
M r Geor g e Seawri g ht, Belfast city councillor and a DUP member of the assembly, has proposed yet another solu- tion to the Irish troubles that would involve En g lish......
I t is a complacent British habit to claim that our most extreme political fi g ures are really deeply lovable, patriotic and soft- hearted. So, when Mr Ken Livin g stone bowed......
Beauty And The Ballot
' It' s -Us like an opinion poll, it's not a real Few readers of the Spectator are likely to have watched the television coverage of the European election results last Sunday......
Dog Days
The En g lish do not like heat, at least not heat of the humid oppressiveness experienc- ed over the last few days. The En g lish do, on the other hand, enjoy talkin g about the......
Ubscri E
UK Eire Surface mail Air mail 6 munths: £17.25 £17.25 £20.50 £26.50 One year: £34.50 £34.50 £41.00 453.00 Name Address US Subscriptions: $75.00 (Airspeed). The Spectator is......
Besides Bein G The Spectator's Chess Cor- Respondent And...
master, Raymond Keene has a remarkable flair for arranging top-level matches in London. Last year he was instrumental in brin g in g the semi-finals of the world championship......