23 SEPTEMBER 1893, page 2

The Discussion Of The Irish Estimates In The House Of

Commons on Friday week was noticeable for a very candid speech by Mr. Balfour. With a generosity which must have made Mr. Morley a little uncomfortable, considering the attacks......

The Second Reading Of The Appropriation Bill In The House

of Commons on Wednesday was made the excuse for raising several points of importance. We have dealt elsewhere with Mr. Asquith's spirited defence of his action in regard to the......

There Is Little Or No Fresh News From Matabeleland. Loben-

gula's Impis are, it is said, gathering round Fort Salisbury, and Mr. Cecil Rhodes has gone to the scene of action, yid the route of the Beira railway, of which some sixty-five......

On Tuesday, Mr. Paul Drew Attention To A Despatch From

the Colonial Office to the British South Africa Company, dated May 31st, 1892. The despatch deals with an attack made in 1892 by a body of the South Africa Company's police and......

The Latest News From Rio, Though Exceedingly Confused...

the seizure of the telegraph-wires, all points to the early overthrow of President Peixoto. Admiral de Mello, in command of the " Rebel " Fleet, has taken the forts which......

The Coal Strike Is In Some Ways As Far From

a settlement as ever, but the area of disturbance is slowly shrinking. The decision of the men's conference at Not'ingham, to allow the miners to return to work at the old rate......

In Discussing The Civil Service Estimates On Monday, Sir...

Grey refused to commit himself to any definite state- meat as to Uganda. " All that the Government had done was —without prejudice to the question whether the occupation was to......

Lord Rosebery Has Not Been Quite So Successful As Was

thought. Sir Edward Grey on Wednesday, in answer to .iuestions from Captain Bothell, was obliged to deprecate discussion, inasmuch as the Pamir question and the Siamese question......