23 SEPTEMBER 1893, page 16


A " BEE " BALL A.D. [Published when spelling-bees were the fashion.] You say that you can spell, Sir, then be good enough to tell, Sir, How you spell me " parallel, " Sir, "......

Kingsley And The House Of Lords. [to The Editor Of

THE " SPFOTATOR. " ] Sin, — It may perhaps interest your readers to be reminded of what Charles Kingsley thought of the House of Lords, and how strongly he held that it......


[TO THE EDITOR OP THE "spitarkron."1 Silt,—Mr. Paige Cox, as quoted in your review of his book in the Spectator of September 9th, says that " we never hear of his [Christ]......


[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR.] SIR.,—A correspondent, in the Spectator of September 9th, cites, under the above heading, a passage couched in an anti- humanitarian spirit......

Agricultural Depression. [to The Editor Of Tile...

printing of my last week's letter, the figures £2,900, which I sent as the rental of 2,000 acres in 1873, are made into £2,000, destroying the force of my contention, and......

The Faculty Of Spelling.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sia, — As to the reasons for bad spelling, suggested in your article in the Spectator of September 16th, I will instance the case of my seven......

Irish Unionist Alliance.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Si,—The attention of the Ladies ' Committee of the Irish. Unionist Alliance having been drawn to letters which have appeared in your late......

Brazilian Mosquitoes.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR, — I am pleased with the letter signed "Edmund Venables " in the Spectator of September 9th, confirming my anecdote of "the mosquito......