24 APRIL 1993, page 26

Sir: Your Diatribe Against The Serbs And Your Clamour For

war are strong on emo- tion but weak on logic and history (`The West does not exist', 17 April). Your state- ment, 'If we let them [the Serbs] have Kosovo', ignores, the......

Letters Blood In Bosnia

Sir: Boris Johnson provides some disturb- ing reflections on Douglas Hurd's motives for appeasing the Bosnian Serbs (`Douglas Hurd's public conscience', 17 April). There is......

Sir: Bearing The Recent Defence Cuts In Mind, I Wonder

if the Government could be persuaded to allow the formation of one new regiment? I suggest that this new regiment be called `I bet other people's parents don't put their kids......

Experts' Fall-out

Sir: Piers Paul Read's article (Exploding the myth of Chernobyl', 17 April) would be laughable if it were not so damaging to a group of people blighted by one of the most......