Rare Poet
Sir: Help! Spurred on by Peter Levi's review of the selected poems of Charles Johnston (Books, 20 July), I tried to order a copy from Waterstone's in Kensington High Street. I......
Sir: Taki gets more wrong in one sentence than I thought possible. Writing from Zante about Cervantes he observes: 'The Spanish writer lost his leg off the western coast while......
Letters Reporting Ireland
Sir: Your leading article, 'A weakness for terrorism' (10 August), draws a false para- llel between the presentation of IRA poli- cies on television and the broadcasting of......
An Awful Problem
Sir: It might surprise Paul Johnson (The press, 17 August) that some homosexuals are upset that their friends and acquaint- ances are liable to die in the next few years with an......
The Japanese Scapegoat
Europe is unjust to blame its problems on fiendish Orientals. By Michael Fry 'LAST year Japan had a balance of pay- ments deficit of $20 billion.' That is not a quotation from......
Sir: I have always assumed 'nail' (Diary, 10 August; Letters, 17 August) to be a cont- raction of the acronym 'Naafi' from world war two. Anything supplied by that organ-......
Reporting America
Sir: Many of your readers will applaud the rebuke Mr Conrad M. Black has directed at the inferior quality of Spectator report- ing of American affairs (Letters, 10 Au- gust).......