The British Almanac And Companion (stationers' Company)...
information about things sacred and secular, celestial and terrestrial. The Companion reviews, according to custom, the '• Architecture," "Art," "Drama," "Engineering," "Music,"......
The Post Office London Directory (kelly And Co.) Is An
institution so well known, and so indispensable, that a brief notice will suffice for it. But, however brief, such notice should be of emphatic praise. A task that yearly grows......
The Priceless Orchid. By Percy Ainslie. (sampson Low And...
Ralston goes through some curious adventures before lie finds the priceless orchid, to search for which he had left England. His hardships and wanderings in the tropical forests......
Running It Off. By " V Ernx " (nat Gould).
(Routledge and Sons.)—There is a disagreeably strung favour of various kinds of villainy about this book. We hava seduction, abduction, lying and slandering, turf ras:•alities......
The Robber Baron Of Bedford Castle. By A. J. Foster,
M.A., and E. E. Cuthell. (Nelson and Sons.)—These two writers have made an interesting little story out of the exploits of De Breautic, and the final assault of Bedford Castle......
Empire And Papacy In The Middle Ages. By Alice D.
Green- wood. (Swan Sonnenschein and Co.)—This book appears, from a reference in the introduction, to be in part the outcome of the autumn Oxford Session of the University......
The Real Robinson Crusze. By F. C. Burnand. (bradbury,...
and Co.)—Travesties are always doubtful adventures ; this is not one of Mr. Barnand's happiest efforts. To say that the hero is a liar and scoundrel would be to take the story......
The Little One's Own Wonderland (dean And Son) Is The
yearly 'volume of a magazine, which evidently is well supplied with pictures and reading. The coloured pictures are a little pro- nounced in their hues ; but they are for the......
Tales Of Adventure And Stories Of Travel. (sampson Low And
Co.)—Most people remember those little annuals that in the earlier part of the century supplied our fathers with much of their miscellaneous reading,—" The Keepsake," "The......
Fifty-two Other Stories For Boys. Edited By Alfred H. Miles.
(Hutchinson and Co.) Fifty. two other Stories for Girls. (Same editor and publisher.)—We are glad to see these excellent suc, cessors to books that deserved, and seem to have......
We Have Received From Messrs. Marcus Ward An Illustrated...
of Burns' poem, The Cotter's Saturday Night, with a sen- sible and sympathetic introduction from the pen of the Rev. Dr. John Hall. The frontispiece represents the birth-place......
Shakespeare's Othello, The Moor Of Venice. Illustrated By...
(Simpkin, Marshall, and Co.)—The illustrations are spirited and effective, the grouping of the figures in some of the scenes being particularly good. Othello himself is a......