Nonconformist Clergymen And Politics. [to The Boum Of The "
SPECTATOR:1 trust that your readers will take careful note of the fact that your correspondent, the Rev. William Robinson, Congregational Minister of Farnworth, having given......
The Education Question.
LTO THE FaMTOR OF THE " EIrscrETOR:1 Snz,- 7 -Mr. J. A. Craig in your last issue takes you to task for saying that the Church was the first to care for the education of the......
The Native Peril In South Africa.
[TO TER EDITOR OF TUE "SPECTATOR."] Sm,—Your article in last week's issue, which was so valuable in enforcing attention to this problem, emboldens me to urge what I believe to......
The Church Of England And The Working Man.
[TO TER EDITOR Or TEN "SPECTATOR:"] Sin,—I hope that Mr. Kenrick (in last week's Spectator) is misinformed when he writes that "we clergy who gave our support to the Liberal......