"economy Incompatible With Rates."
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTAT011.1 Sin,—I agree with Mr. H. E. Malden in your last issue that a direct vote of the ratepayers on all expenditure necessitating a loan is needed......
Germany And Mogad011.
[To TaS EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:1 Sxn,—It was with alarm and dismay that I saw in last week's Spectator the indifference with which the possibility of the leasing of Mogador......
Compensation Under The Licensing Act.
[To THE EDITOR OF THS "SPECTATOR." . 1 have read " Z.'s " letter and your interesting article on temperance legislation in your issue of the 17th inst. Like all literature on......
The Native Peril In South Africa.
[TO TER EDITOR OF TUE "SPECTATOR."] Sm,—Your article in last week's issue, which was so valuable in enforcing attention to this problem, emboldens me to urge what I believe to......
The Proposed Experiment In Militia. Training.
[THE experiment proposed by Colonel Pollock for which we are asking subscriptions may be briefly described as follows. Colonel Pollock declares that if funds sufficient to meet......