Stunned Into Silence
From Audrey Murphy Sir: With regard to Philip Hensher's article on the collapse of education (17 February): as a lecturer in an FE college, I was keenly aware of my students'......
From Mr John Morrison
Sir: The French and German ambassadors (17 February) are right about our declining linguistic skills but are too diplomatic to point the finger at the real reason. Blame the......
From Mr Crawford Macdonald Sir: The French And German...
betray their Eurocentrism when they advocate learning European languages that will, effectively, be local dialects by the end of this century. Far better that our children learn......
From Mr Roger Gower Sir: It Is Well-known Internationally...
illiterate our once great literary nation has become, unknowingly encouraged by politicians who have hardly read a book themselves. We lose our culture and we disinherit......
Sked's Riposte
From Mr Alan Sked Sir: Just three points in reply to Christopher Booker's bizarre if hilarious letter (17 February). 1. He claims that I was 'chucked out' as leader of UKIP. But......
Wrong Score
From Mr David Shaw and Professor Rachel Killick Sir: Leo McKinstry's article ('Brainless of Britain', 10 February) contains serious errors concerning the entry requirements at......