Wrong Score
From Mr David Shaw and Professor Rachel Killick Sir: Leo McKinstry's article ('Brainless of Britain', 10 February) contains serious errors concerning the entry requirements at......
Spelling For Grown-ups
From Mr Andrew Wilton Sir: David Pryce-Jones has presumably perused many issues of the New Yorker, as he implies in his review of David Remnick's edition of profiles from that......
Cormac's Real Friends
From Mr Austen Ivereigh Sir: It is not daring for Damian Thompson, in the course of taking many low swipes at Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor ('Red hat, red face', 17 February),......
A Big Hit
From Mr Sheridan Morley Sir: A footnote to Paul Johnson (And another thing, 17 February) on the Versailles grandeur of Nancy Mitford. In 1950 my father Robert invited her to......
Powerless Poland
From Mr Nicholas Paget-Brown Sir: It is perfectly understandable that Radek Sikorski is looking for geopolitical stability for Poland (`The joy of federalism', 17 February). It......
From Mr John Stott Sir: So Mr Sikorski Feels That
British Euroscepticism is 'intellectually inconsistent and politically immature'. He makes two points: first, that we applied to join (a common market, not the EU), were......