News Of The Week
I N France the Governments of M. Briand and M. Herriot have fallen. We mentioned last week an ominously narrow majority in a crucial division in the Chamber. On Saturday M.......
On Friday, July 16th, He Put Before The Finance Committee
of the Chamber his proposals for "Special Powers." This amounted to a demand that the Govern- ment might legislate by decree until November 30th Hi financial affairs. Among......
The Prospects Of The New Government Were As Dis- Couraging
as could well be. The franc continued to fall and the Parisian Press, when not violently abusive, offered the coldest of cold comfort. The group of M. Louis Mann which did so......
On Saturday The Chamber Met Again. The Govern- Ment Put
forward its motion for the special powers in the same form in which it had presented it to the Finance Committee and without the slight modifications recom- mended by the......
We Mentioned Last Week The Appearance Of The Indus- Trial
Christian Fellowship upon the scene of the Coal Dispute. While we might cold-bloodedly doubt their worldly wisdom, we wholly admire their motives, courage and determination to......
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The Index To Volume 136 Of The Spectator For The
half-year ending June, 1926, is now ready. A copy will be sent post free to readers enclosing 18. in stamps, upon application to The Publishers, 13 York Street, Covent Garden,......