Nelson Relics At Monmouth
[To the Editor of The SPECTATOR.] Sin,—Any of your readers who happen to be in, or near, Monmouth should see the Nelson relics which are on view in the town. They are labelled......
WATER-LILIES ASWAY in the water Those white cups and gold— Whom do they comfort And what do they hold ? Cupfuls of moonlight For fishes to take When to their dazzle They leap......
Homecrofting [to The Editor Of The Spectator.} Sin,—the...
and letters regarding the above are being followed with considerable interest, and the further letter from Mr. G. W. Giles in your issue of June 12th raises two important......
Marseilles British Merchant Seamen's Hospital
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,—In 1924 I appealed for funds to complete and open this hospital. As a result of the response we were enabled to complete the building, and......
Children's Country Holidays: The " Spectator " Fund
'WE acknowledge gratefully further donations to our Fund, which raise the total received to £382 7s. 6d. Though we see here a great proof of the generosity of our readers, we......