24 JULY 1982, page 16


Sir: Oh dear, all the old right-wing in- tolerance (Notebook, 10 July). The Guar- dian crossword is one of the areas of the paper noticeably free from political com- mitment —......

Air Without An E-string

Sir: Anthony Burgess's story of Toscanini and the double-bass player with a broken E-string (10 July) is a variation on an equal- ly implausible one, doubtless also originating......

Sir: Mr Richard West's Article On The Book Trade Is

a frightening picture of the frustra- tion of communication between authors and readers — due to an 'unholy alliance' consisting of pornographers, destructive local authorities,......


The book trade Sir: In his article 'Foiling Foyles' (17 July), Richard West takes a gratuitous swipe at W.H.Smith. He seems to be one of the small band of authors who take the......


Sir: Violence in any form cannot be con- doned and thus it is unacceptable for David Harounoff (Letters, 3 July) to 'whitewash' Israeli actions in the Lebanon because atrocities......

Open Shop

Sir: Richard West asserts (17 July) that the Observer has an NUJ closed shop. This is not so. Nor is it true that I have ever been prevented by NUJ opposition from hiring any......

The Moral Majority

Sir: Christopher Hitchens makes some pret- ty mean accusations against Jerry Falwell (26 June). The problem is that the accusa - tions are completely false. Mr Hitchens should......