24 MAY 1902, page 15
The West Indian Disaster.
[To THE EEITOR Or THE "SPEOTAT011.21 Snt,—It may perhaps be of interest, in connection with the recent disaster in the West Indies, to recall an article which appeared in Mist's......
Kr. Rhodes And The Natives.
[TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] . SIR, —In the Spectator of . March 29th occurs the following :— " As regards the natives, Mr. Rhodes's views were certainly not those of......
The Moral Aspect Of An "act Of God."
[TO THE EDITOR Or TIIE "SPECTATOR."] SIE, — All Christian readers must be profoundly grateful for the article on the above topic in the Spectator of May 17th. It expresses with......