The Blood Tax. By Dorothea Gerard. (hutchinson And Co....
sub-title of this book is "A Military Romance," but we cannot see much romance about it ; what there is certainly does not attract. A young Englishman, very much in favour of......
We Have Received The Half-yearly (november-april) Volumes...
Illustrated Monthly Magazine (10s. 6d.) and of St. Nicholas : an Ilustrated Magazine for Young Folks (8s. 6d.) (Macmillan and Co.) Both magazines are so widely known, and......
A Heart Of Flame. By C. F. Embree. (methuen And
Co. 6s.) —This is a strange story, written in strange English,—as, e.g., smiling with "sinuousness of lip." In fact, it has now and then the look of a translation. The tale......
Some Books Of The Week, [under This Heading We Notice
such Books of the week 04 hay' not been reserved for review in other Airnm] The Annual Register, 1901. (Longmans and Co. 18s )—The heading of the second section of Part I. is......
C Urrent Literature.
ART BOOKS. Lives of Brunelleschi, Giotto, Mantegna, Rembrandt, Gerard Dou, and Wilkie have been added to Messrs. Bell and Sons' " Great Masters" series (5s. each). Mr. Leader......