24 MAY 2003, page 33

Williams V. Phillips

From Liane Jones Sir: I was impressed that you published Emma Williams's article about the Israeli occupation (The reek of injustice', 17 May). I visited the Occupied......

Thatcher's Tears

From Sir Archie Hamilton Sir: Matthew Parris (Another voice, 17 May) quotes someone close to Margaret Thatcher as saying that she was unmoved by the satirical portraits in words......

Benefits Of Tax

From Dr Peter Mandler Sir: In writing about the current spate of works of art threatened with export, Susan Moore (New ways to keep Old Masters', 17 May) mourns 'the decline in......

Friendship Without Favours

From Mr Paul Kincaid Sir: Your reference to the Arthur C. Clarke Award (The Spectator's Notes, 17 May) has been drawn to my attention. I was honoured that Christopher Priest......

Windowpanes On Alert

From Mr Michael Grosvenor Myer Sir: Gerald Warner (Sight of fashion', 17 May) is in error in saying that Bertram Wooster's eyeglass (or monocle) 'eludes detection in the text'.......

No Pigeonhole For Me

From Mr Robert H. Bork Sir: George Osborne's review of David Frum's book, The Right Man: The Surprise Presidency of George W Bush (Books, 3 May), refers to me as a 'religious......