Colour In South Africa
8nt. — I am glad to have Mr. Ray's explanation—I regret that it readied me only now. He did not advocate miscegenation, but said that Brazil which practised miscegenation is......
, The 44 Peace Congress" Sin,—in This Week's Spectator You
state that "to issue visas to delegates . (to the Peace Congress') abroad and then stop the delegates at the pen s is to play a very unattractive game." Mr. Ede showed recently......
Stranger Than Truth ?
Si,—Like many of your readers I was greatly entertained by the extract "from a GovernmencOrder " quoted by Janus from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. My enjoyment was in no way......
The Guy Fawkes' Prayer
SIR, — Other readers besides myself may have been puzzled by some of Janus's references to the form of prayer with thanksgiving formerly used on November 5th. He seems to imply......