At Westminster
W E had been promised a tranquil week save for Thursday's conflict over the Sunday openin g of the amusement fair of the Festival of Britain. This apart, there was to be nothing......
Welfare Of The Old
"There is an ur g ent need for more specialised g eriatric hospital departments," wrote, Mr. An g us Maude in an article on the care of the old in the Spectator last week, and......
Dr. Niemoller Talks
There is nothing very new in Pastor Martin Niemoller's campaign of speeches and articles, in which he insists on subordinating a great number of political complications to the......
Festival Questions
A lettdr, printed on another page, from an American citizen on the Festival of Britain has come to us out of the blue, but it is too pertinent to be i g nored. Why, it is asked......
Next Week's Spectator Will Contain Articles By Sir Henry...
0.M., on Rutherford and the Atom, lain Macleod, M.P., on the National Health Service and Dr. Victor Purcell on the situation in Malaya.......