24 APRIL 1947, page 18

Cryptic S Ir,— " Work Or Want," Cripps He Say.

—Yours, &c., 2 5 Catherine Place, S.W. 1.......

Rural Speech— It Has Often Occurred To Me As A

surprisin g fact that more or less un- educated country folk habitually use words which the literary have be g un to avoid as affectatious. " Slay " is one of these. It is a......

Country Life

WATER has an extra attra c tion for birds—and indeed bees—when sprin g comes. I have been watchin g from a window a shallow concrete pond overhun g by a weepin g willow ; and,......

In My Garden No Flower In The G Arden Has More

patiently bided its time than the Al g erian iris. It is flowery in the third week of April, thou g h it usually flowers two months earlier, and is later even than the lovely......

Books For Austria

THE followin g is an extract from a letter received from Professor F. A. Hayek, chairman of the Austrian Book Committee: " We are tryin g to or g anise a collection of the more......

=and Humour

Examples of country humour also reached my ears on the Bud g et. In a g roup outside a small and very rural public house one man held up a ci g arette-li g hter and offered it......

Aspects Of Mining

Snt,—Your correspondent, Mr. B. Johnston, is sceptical about the claim that there has been an increase in mechanisation in the coal-mining industry. His doubts appear to be......

Criticism And Faith

SIR, —I a g ree with Canon Smyth that the correspondence columns of The Spectator (like the pulpit of the University Church) are not the appropriate place in which to discuss......


Hungry April

April in some respects is a hun g ry as well as a thirsty month. The most common, and fatal, omission of amateur bee-keepers is the starva- tion of the swarms in early sprin g .......