Shanghai Is Obtaining Unusual Protection From The...
Powers. All Europe suspects that Great Britain, which is fully occupied elsewhere, is about to strike some grand but undefined coup for predominance in the Yangtse Valley. They......
Dr. Clark's Letter To President Kruger, Dated Novem- Ber...
1899, is not a very important document, except in three respects. It shows that Mr. Chamberlain by no means took np a non possumus attitude in regard to the arbitration......
The Seventieth Birthday Of The Emperor Francis Joseph Was...
on the 18th inst. throughout his eighteen States with a unanimity which speaks strongly for the unity of the Hapsburg Dominion. Every city illuminated splen- didly, and the rich......
The Letters Addressed By Mr. Labouchere To Mr. Montagu...
the Consul of the Transvaal Government, are not of any great importance per se, but they show a vindictiveness towards Mr. Chamberlain which deserves the condemnation of honest......
The Dutch Believe, Perhaps Rightly, That The Failure Of The
house of Orange would be the signal for an attack on their independence. They are, therefore, almost morbidly anxious that the young Queen, who is the last of her great race,......
The Only Other Items Of War News Of Moment Are
the conviction of Cordna and Lord Roberts's last proclamation. Cordna was found guilty by the Military Tribunal which tried him, but sentence was deferred for the approval of......
On Friday Was Published A Blue-book Containing The...
Members of Parliament and others found at Bloemfontein. Though not nearly so sensational as was supposed, they are of very considerable interest and import- ance,—especially the......
The News From South Africa Continues Unsensational, But...
that there is real progress. The chief item of importance is that De Wet, though not caught, has been headed off from the region north-east of Pretoria, where he hoped to join......