An Oxford Poet.
The Choice of Achilles, and other Poems. By Arthur Gray Butler. (Henry Frowde. 2s. 6d.)—In this slim vellum-bound book Mr. Butler has collected from our own columns and else-......
Current Literature.
THE ANGLO-AMERICAN. The Anglo - American Magazine. July, 1900. (The Anglo-Ameri- can Publishing Company, New York. 25 cents.)—This magazine is "published monthly in the interest......
European Travel For Women.
European Travel for Women. By Mary Cadwalader Jones. (Macmillan and Co. 4s. 6d.)—Reading this book makes one long to set out on a journey. It is not a guide-book in the ordinary......
The North American Review.
The North American Review for July is chiefly composed of theories about China. No less than seven articles deal with the different aspects of this most urgent question of the......
More Colonial Homesteads.
More Colonial Homesteads and their Stories. By Marion Harland. (G. P. Putnam's Sons. 12s. 6d.)—There is a great deal of very pleasant reading in this book. Miss Harland knows......