25 MARCH 1893, page 14

Clerical Poverty And Convocation.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:1 Sin,—I regret that you throw water so cola on the attempt to supplement clerical incomes by voluntary contributions. You admit that a......

May-flies In March.

4' D AYS of promise" are a common feature of the English spring, when the rough winds sink and shift into the West, and the cold rain draws odours from the earth, and song from......

Intimidation In Ireland.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR," 1 SIR,—In an able article, entitled "The Weight of Irish Authority against Irish Home-rule," which appeared in the Spectator of March 18th,......

[to The Editor Of The "irish Times."] " Sir, — I Read

in the Freeman's Journal of this day the appeal of loading Roman Catholics to their fellow Roman Catholics, asking them to sign the petition against the proposed Home-rule Bill.......

Letters To The Editor.

THE ALLEGED NONCONFORMIST DECLINE. [TO TUE EDITOR OF TICE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—Will you allow me to make a comment on your article of March 18th, headed "Some Causes of......