Current Literature.
"Shepherd" Smith, the Universalist. By W. Anderson Smith. (Sampson Low, Marston, and Co.)—This "history of a mind," - as the author describes it, is not easy to understand. The.......
Mrs. Juliet. By Mrs. Alfred W. Hunt. 3 Vols. (chatto
and Windus.)—Though Mrs. Alfred Hunt's latest novel is from first to last a record of misfortunes and misadventures, it is a lively rather than a depressing book, for we have a......
Recent Novels.*
"SARAH GRAND" we take to be a pseudonym, but the per- sonality behind it is clearly that of an able and cultivated woman, who is intensely in earnest, and who, unlike various......
Stories And Interludes. By Barry Pain. (henry And...
Pain is a humourist of a pessimistic kind, such as seems to be eminently acceptable to this generation. • A goodly list of periodicals who are thanked for permission to reprint......