Parish Councils.
[To TWO EDITOR OP THE SPECTATOR." J Sin,—This little parish is, I believe, typical of many others in which, if the new Local Government Bill passes into law, the voting-power......
Letters To The Editor.
" SCRUTATOR " AND HIS CRITICS. [To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.1 Sin,—I had no intention of writing to you again, but as the Duke of Argyll and another correspondent have......
Women's Suffrage In New Zealand.
[To THE EDITOR OF TUE " SPECTATOR." ] Sin,—In the Spectator of November 18th, you speak of Women's Suffrage having been carried in New Zealand by " a fluke." There may be......
Liberty And The Liberal Party.
[ To MB EDITOR OF THE " SPEOTATOR."] Siu, — I assent to every word of your article on this subject in the Spectator of November 18th. But may not the vote of the Radicals be......