Steve Young. By G. Manville Fenn. (partridge And Co.)—...
Wareham takes the hero of this story on an Arctic voyage, in search of the lad's uncle, who, with his ship and crew, has been lost in those latitudes. He calls at a Norwegian......
Game-birds And Wild Fowl Of The British Islands. By C.
Bison. (Chapman and Hall.)—For a writer so fond of his subject as Mr: Dixon, to be dull is a little strange. But though he has written much on natural history, he is seldom......
Sibyl Garth. (religious Tract Society.)—this Story Is...
a story—through its being overweighted by its own moral and religious purpose. Sybil Garth is an almost painfully good girl, and most readers will think she is a trifle too hard......
Military Topography. By Major-general W. E. Montague....
is a practical book intended for beginners. The author wastes neither time nor. space, but goes directly to his subject, and puts his instructions into plain words. His volume......
Bible Noel. By Harriette E. Burch. (religious Tract...
is a pleasant and unpretentious little story of a boy who worked on a farm and who, being guided by principle and some- thing more (as his nickname of " Bible Noel" indicates),......
Stella. By Mrs. G. S. Heaney. (bliss, Sands, And Foster.)—
We are always glad to meet with Mrs. Reaney's work. Writing always with a serious purpose, she brings to her tank much taste and good sense. This little tale, one of the "......
Homespun. By Annie S. Swan (mrs. Burnett-smith)....
Co.)—This "study of simple folk" is a little story, the scene of which is laid in a Lowland Scotch village. There are two plots—one might even say three—the loves of Dod Aitken......
Toddleben's Hero. Told In Pen And Pencil By M. M.
Blake. (Methuen.)—Toddleben is a little boy, distinguished from the Russian engineer who defended Sebastopol by a second "d," and his hero is a cousin who has just got a......
The Way And The Will. By Andrew Home. (religious Tract
Society.)—This is a fairly well-written, well-constructed, easy- flowing story of a conventional kind. Roger Price, a self-made man, adopts the son of George Ciunberland, one of......
The Wreck Of The ' Golden Fleece.' By Robert Leighton.
(Blackie rienk begin and Son.)—This is a story of the sea, in several acts. W with an animated account of a Lowestoft herring-boat caught in a storm, with the greater part of......
Anima/ Adventures. By Ascott R. Hope. (nimmo, Hay, And...
Edinburgh.)—Various 'animals, assisted by Mr. Aseott Hope's clever pen, give autobiographical sketches. The black- beetle, for instance, describes life from his point of view.......
In The '15. By The Rev. H. C. Adams. (hodder
and Stoughton.) —This " Tale of the First Jacobite Insurrection " begins with the battle of Killiecrankie. Mr. Adams, it will be seen, neglects the Horatian maxim of plunging in......