25 OCTOBER 1957, page 16

Keeping Up With The Rices

Sin,—Forgive me. but I thought 'Keeping up with the Rices' by Christopher Hollis exceptionally silly. Why do middle-aged men of letters persist in affecting puzzled superiority......

Sir,—the Letter In Your Issue Of October 11 From A

rabid Young Liberal demands a reply from a Young Conservative. This I will endeavour to give. Individual Liberals have, no doubt, decided views on the principles and aims of the......

S1r,—may I Reply Very Briefly To The Two Ladies Who

rallied to the defence of Mansfield Park in your last issue? I did not imply that Fanny Price speaks harshly to anybody but Henry Crawford; forthrightness is not her strong......

Sin.---mr. Hollis Wrote A Very Interesting Article In...

of October 18. There is one small point which I should like to make : he wonders who the angry young men are and picks on Mr. Osborne as the probable one. I do not know Mr.......

Accepting The Universe Sta,—wasn't It Margaret Fuller,...

transcendentalist, who, to Carlyle's amusement. 'accepted the universe'? (Not Harriet Martineau, as Mr. Christopher Hollis reports.)—Yours faithfully, [Yes.—Editor, Spectator.]......

Letters To The Editor

In Search of a Government Edward Rushworth, Graham Facks-Martin Keeping up with the Rices William Donaldson, Elizabeth Montagu Accepting the Universe J. F. Hori.abin Divorce'......

Divorce And After

SIR,—One aspect of the Church's attitude to divorce appears to be often forgotten. She bases her ruling on the remarriage of divorced persons on the words of the Gospels (St.......
