25 OCTOBER 1957, page 29

Company Notes

By CUSTOS d. SOME New Yorkers stayed away . . , from the Queen's arrival at th e itil . Battery, having more urgent things to do. These were the brokers in near-by Wall Street......


'Well, it's like China tea. You crooks your little finger when you drinks it an' tries to look as if you never dug your elbow in anybody at a jumble sale, refined-like.'......

J Ack:daws Jackdaws Are, To Me At Any Rate, Much

more in- teresting birds than mere crows. They are enter- Prising, busier about their daily lives altogether than the greater corvidx. They have a restlessness that marks the......

Country Life

By IAN NIALL 01 -o Boa, who lives at the back of beyond but has electricity in his cottage. stopped me the other day to ask if I had seen something on television. I had to......


By PHILIDOR No. 124 Specially contributed by D. BRUMA (The Hague) BLACK (10 men) WHITE (7 men) WHITE to play and mate in 2 moves: solution next week. Solution to last week's......

Trout's Diet

When I first used to fish for trout, with a piece of brown line and short length of gut on my spruce- pole rod, my bait was a red-streaked worm dug at the midden's edge.......