Sin,—i Read With Interest Mr Enoch Powell's Article On...
in the SPECTATOR of August 19, but I feel it only right to point out a serious error of fact in his last but one paragraph. He writes: . . the United States began to withdraw......
Vietnam : The Road To Peace
SIR,--I hope Mr Enoch Powell can be persuaded to elaborate the arguments which lead him to the con- clusion expressed at the very end of his article, where he says that if the......
Queen Elizabeth Slipped Here
AFTERTHOUGHT By JOHN WELLS THERE was an evocative heap of horse dung out- side the Elizabethan Rooms of the Gore Hotel in Queen's Gate, and we were welcomed up the steps by a......
George Brown's Burden
. - E=nngt 7C - 01 From : John Knapp, Sir David Anderson, Ilinca R Bossy. I. M. Angell, Hugh Brogan, A. D. MacDougall: Contresse Lippens. Cyril Ray, Lord Horder, R. G. A.......
A National Government ?
SIR,—In advocating a coalition, Mr Desmond Don- nelly may well be sincerely concerned for the coun- try's best interests. Mr Donnelly, however, is one of those politicians who......