26 AUGUST 1966, page 14

Hung Jury

SIR,—Ludovic Kennedy's attack on the proposed change in the jury system is very well timed. In addi- tion to the points he makes there are two I should like to raise: (1) At......

Pop Pirates And The Law

SIR, — Giles Playfair (August 5), like others, turns the Illicit Broadcasting Bill into a vendetta against pop music. That members of the public might not be able to see that......

A National Government ?

SIR,—In advocating a coalition, Mr Desmond Don- nelly may well be sincerely concerned for the coun- try's best interests. Mr Donnelly, however, is one of those politicians who......

A Beastly Journey

SIR,—My son, Maurice Lippens, is on holiday in Yugoslavia. and so I have the opportunity of reading the SPECTATOR first. I should be doing a lot of other things, but I feel so......