Letters To The Editor
HOLY ORDERS AND REWARD SiR,—Your correspondent, " A Churchwarden," draws one picture of our Ministry. Permit me to submit another. As the son of a clergyman, the father of a......
The Freedom Of The Press
Stit,—The general public defence of the proposal for a Royal Commission on the British Press can wait until the Government has given a decision ; but some of the comments of......
Six,—"churchwarden's " Letter In Your Issue Of July 19th...
what is a very common fallacy: that a parson's life in the country is less arduous than that of his brother in the town, and therefore he should receive less remuneration. I......
Six,—i Do Not Wish To Enter Into An Argument With
" Churchwarden " on the subject of Church reform. The need is there I have no doubt, but perhaps it may be a matter of opinion as to what shall be reformed and how the reform......