The B.b.c.'s Income
SIR, —We certainly are—or have regrettably become—a docile people. Some months ago the Postmaster General, by a mere stroke of the pen, doubled the charge for our wireless......
Sponsored Broadcasting .
SIR,—Whilst I have a certain amount of sympathy with Mr. H. S. McPherson for his unfortunate listening experience in Australia, I must assume that either he is reflecting the......
A Programme For India
SIR,— Reading Brigadier Brayne's article, A New Rural India, recalled to my mind the numerous A.B.C.A. discussions based on his books and pamphlets about rural uplift which I......
Profiteering At Sea .
Sris,—I should be very grateful if you would allow me to draw public attention to an abuse that has been going on for some time, and has now become what can only be called an......
Trade Unions And Freedom
SIR, —Our scale of values- has gone awry when, in present circumstances, a few men can hold up the food of millions in a dispute over what it exalted to a principle—the......