Military Gazette.
Orrice or ORDNANCE. March 22.-Royal Regt. of Artillery-Ma:or-General A. Wat- son to be Colonel-Commandant, v:ce Lieut.-Gen. Shrapnel, dec. ADMIRALTY. March 19.-Corps of Royal......
Commercial Gazette.
Tuesday, March 22. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED. Armstrong and Walton, Greenwich, coal merchants - Batmen and Burgeff. Eastcheap, intwenierchants- Waring and Anderson. Sheffield......
Births, Marriages And Deaths.
BIRTHS. On the 28th February. at Coblentz on-the.lthine, the Lady of Dr. J. FRANCIS I). YoNoz. Resident Physician, of a son. On the 19th March, at Watkin's Terrace, Eaton......
Prices Current.
BRITI , SH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.) Saturday Monday. t uesday. arcane: A aura. .esseey• 891 891 shut shut 991 shut shut shut 31 pm. 10 pm. 891 891 — — 991 — — — 80 • 9 891 891 —......