Count Caprivi, In The Course Of His Speech, Denied...
Prince Bismarck's statement to an interviewer, that he had brought on the war by falsifying the account of what had occurred at Ems between the King and Count Benedetti. The......
Count Caprivi, On The Following Day, Made A Speech On
the Bill of more than two hours' duration, in which he first of all rejected the idea of an offensive war undertaken to terminate an oppressive situation. Such a war, he......
The Panama Scandal Is Developing Into A Dangerous Poli-...
affair, more serious than M. Wilson's sale of decorations. On Monday, M. Delahaye, who votes with the Right, rose in the Chamber to demand an inquiry into the affairs of the......
Mr. Labouchere Responded To The Toast Of "our Radical...
at a banquet given by the Eleusis Club, at Chelsea, on Monday. He raged against the House of Lords, indicated his distrust of the House of Commons and his still deeper distrust......
News Of The Week.
T HE German Emperor opened the Session of the Reichstag on Tuesday in a self-restrained speech of much dignity. He trusted that Germany would not be disturbed ; but the de-......
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With the " SPECTATOR" of Saturday, December 3rd, will be issued gratis, a SPECIAL LITERARY SUPPLEMENT.......