Lessons In Heat And Light. By D. E. Jones. (macmillan.)—
Mr. Jones's " Lessons " are valuable from the readiness with which he illustrates physical laws, and the clearness with which he expounds them. There are numerous examplest and......
A Brave Fight, And Other Stories. By Esme Stuart. (nisbet.)—
Miss Esme Stuart has collected here thirteen short stories, naturally of varying interest, but worth a more prolonged existence than falls to the lot of periodical fiction,—for......
Adrift In A Great City. By M. E. Winchester. (seeley
and Co.) —Miss Winchester always writes well, but she writes at too great a length. Here we have more than a hundred and sixty pages before we get near the gist of the story. It......
The Clock Of Rond,aine, And Other Stories. By Frank R.
Stockton. (Sampson Low, Marston and Co.)—In the first of these stories we do not recognise Mr. Stockton's peculiar humour, though the tale has merits of its own. But he is quite......
Of Picture-books And The Like For Children, We Have To
notice :— Dog Pictures (Frederick Warne), with letterpress descriptive of various kinds of dogs from the pen of Mrs. Valentine ; also, from the same publisher and by the same......
Days With Sir Roger De Coverley. Illustrated By Hugh...
(Macmillan.)—This "Reprint from the Spectator" appears in a third edition, the "Foolscap 4to" shape being changed to "Crown 8vo." It is needless to commend again a book for......
Henriette Bonner. By M. H. Spielmann. (cassell And Co.)—...
years ago few people, it is probable, out of her own country, knew the name of Madame Ronner. Attention was attracted to her work, which for many years has consisted entirely in......
Some Sweet Stories Of Old. By The Rev. C. J.
Ridgeway, M.A. (Griffith, Farran, and Co.)—This is a second series of the author's "Boys of Bible Story." The subjects are, from the Old Testa- ment, Isaac, Esau and Jacob,......
A Pair Of Old Shoes. By Christabel Coleridge. (wells,...
Darton, and Co.)—Miss Coleridge builds a most ingenious little story on the fact that in a blocked-up room in a country rectory a pair of shoes, apparently a hundred years old,......
A Day At Laguerre's, And Other Days. By F. Hopkinson
Smith. (Osgood, McIlvaine, and Co.)—These nine sketches are such as only an artist could write, one ready to recognise the beauty of life in any shape, and with an eye to his......